Find your MulTipeg


Implant system


Diameter size




Implant system

Platform Narrow Platform (NP)

Diameter size

MulTipeg 11

Ref 55021


Implant system

Platform Internal Hex Platform (SP)

Diameter size

MulTipeg 41

Ref 55049


Implant system

Platform Conical Platform (CP)

Diameter size

MulTipeg 38

Ref 55046


Implant system Multi-Unit Abutment


Diameter size

MulTipeg 72

Ref 55080


Implant system Touareg

Platform S/OS

Diameter size

MulTipeg 26

Ref 55034


Implant system Touareg Closefit

Platform UNP

Diameter size 2.75

MulTipeg 51

Ref 55059


Implant system Touareg Closefit

Platform NP

Diameter size 3.0

MulTipeg 51

Ref 55059


Implant system Touareg CloseFit

Platform RP

Diameter size 3.5

MulTipeg 38

Ref 55046


Implant system Touareg CloseFit

Platform WP

Diameter size 4.3, 5.0

MulTipeg 10

Ref 55020


Implant system Swell


Diameter size 3.3

MulTipeg 26

Ref 55034


Implant system


Diameter size 3.3

MulTipeg 41

Ref 55049


Implant system Bioactive


Diameter size All

MulTipeg 55034

Ref 26


Implant system MAX


Diameter size All

MulTipeg 55034

Ref 26


Implant system M+

Platform NP

Diameter size 3.5

MulTipeg 55044

Ref 36


Implant system M+

Platform RP

Diameter size 4.3-5.0

MulTipeg 55037

Ref 29


Implant system Porous


Diameter size All

MulTipeg 55034

Ref 26


Implant system S-Line


Diameter size 3.0

MulTipeg 55059

Ref 51


Implant system Conical connection

Platform Narrow Platform

Diameter size

MulTipeg 16

Ref 55025


Implant system Conical connection

Platform Wide Platform

Diameter size

MulTipeg 49

Ref 55057


Implant system Hexagon connection

Platform Narrow Platform

Diameter size

MulTipeg 31

Ref 55039


Implant system Hexagon connection

Platform Regular Platform

Diameter size

MulTipeg 49

Ref 55057


Implant system

Platform Internal Hex

Diameter size

MulTipeg 26

Ref 55034


Implant system

Platform Conical Hex

Diameter size 3.2

MulTipeg 57

Ref 55065


Implant system

Platform Conical Hex

Diameter size 3.75-5.0

MulTipeg 43

Ref 55051


Implant system Type K Lasermade

Platform Conical

Diameter size All diameters

MulTipeg 58

Ref 55066


Implant system SB III


Diameter size 3.5

MulTipeg 14

Ref 55023


Implant system SB III


Diameter size 4.0-5.0

MulTipeg 10

Ref 55020


Implant system C/X


Diameter size

MulTipeg 16

Ref 55025


Implant system Axiom Bone Level


Diameter size 3.4 – 5.2

MulTipeg 57

Ref 55065


Implant system Axiom Trilobe


Diameter size

MulTipeg 57

Ref 55065


Implant system Axiom Tissue Level

Platform Narrow, Regular

Diameter size

MulTipeg 42

Ref 55050


Implant system K3pro

Platform Rapid 2mm

Diameter size 3.0 – 3.5

MulTipeg 17

Ref 55026


Implant system K3pro

Platform Rapid 3mm

Diameter size 4.0 – 6.0

MulTipeg 9

Ref 55019


Implant system K3pro

Platform Rapid short 3mm

Diameter size 4.0 – 6.0

MulTipeg 26

Ref 55044


Implant system Osseospeed

Platform EV

Diameter size 3.0

MulTipeg 50

Ref 55058


Implant system Osseospeed

Platform EV

Diameter size 3.6

MulTipeg 38

Ref 55046


Implant system Osseospeed

Platform EV

Diameter size 4.2

MulTipeg 49

Ref 55057


Implant system Osseospeed

Platform EV

Diameter size 4.8

MulTipeg 47

Ref 55055


Implant system Osseospeed

Platform EV

Diameter size 5.4

MulTipeg 40

Ref 55048


Implant system Osseospeed

Platform EV Profile

Diameter size 4.2

MulTipeg 26

Ref 55034


Implant system Osseospeed

Platform TX

Diameter size 3.0 S

MulTipeg 56

Ref 55064


Implant system Osseospeed

Platform TX

Diameter size 3.5-4.0 S

MulTipeg 38

Ref 55046


Implant system Osseospeed

Platform TX

Diameter size 4.5-5.0 S

MulTipeg 7

Ref 55017


Implant system Coral & Ocean

Platform External

Diameter size 3.5

MulTipeg 30

Ref 55038


Implant system Coral & Ocean

Platform External

Diameter size 4.1

MulTipeg 1

Ref 55011


Implant system Coral

Platform External

Diameter size 5.1

MulTipeg 3

Ref 55013


Implant system Coral & Ocean

Platform Internal

Diameter size 3.5, 4.1

MulTipeg 43

Ref 55051


Implant system Ocean

Platform Conical

Diameter size 3.5

MulTipeg 58

Ref 55066


Implant system Ocean

Platform Conical

Diameter size 4.1

MulTipeg 18

Ref 55004


Implant system Duravit Slim


Diameter size

MulTipeg 11

Ref 55021


Implant system Duravit 3P


Diameter size

MulTipeg 27

Ref 55035


Implant system Duravit Evolution


Diameter size

MulTipeg 27

Ref 55035


Implant system Semados

Platform Mini

Diameter size

MulTipeg 2

Ref 55012


Implant system Semados

Platform S / RI

Diameter size 3.25-5.5

MulTipeg 26

Ref 55034


Implant system Semados

Platform RS / RSX

Diameter size 3.0

MulTipeg 74

Ref 55082


Implant system Semados

Platform RS / RSX

Diameter size 3.75-5.5

MulTipeg 26

Ref 55034


Implant system Semados

Platform SC / SCX

Diameter size 3.25-5.5

MulTipeg 26

Ref 55034


Implant system Advanced and Progressive


Diameter size 3.3-3.8

MulTipeg 16

Ref 55025


Implant system Advanced and Progressive


Diameter size 4.2-5.0

MulTipeg 59

Ref 55067


Implant system Laser-Lok

Platform Grey

Diameter size 3.0

MulTipeg 26

Ref 55034


Implant system Internal Laser-Lok

Platform Yellow

Diameter size 3.5

MulTipeg 41

Ref 55049


Implant system Internal Laser-Lok

Platform Green

Diameter size 4.5

MulTipeg 43

Ref 55051


Implant system Internal Laser-Lok

Platform Blue

Diameter size 5.7

MulTipeg 43

Ref 55051


Implant system External


Diameter size 4.0

MulTipeg 1

Ref 55011


Implant system Multi-Unit Abutment


Diameter size

MulTipeg 72

Ref 55080


Implant system BioMate


Diameter size 3.3

MulTipeg 66

Ref 55074


Implant system BioMate


Diameter size 4.8

MulTipeg 73

Ref 55081


Implant system Certain internal

Platform Purple

Diameter size

MulTipeg 28

Ref 55036


Implant system Certain internal

Platform Purple

Diameter size 3.4

MulTipeg 28

Ref 55036


Implant system Certain internal

Platform Blue, Yellow, Green

Diameter size

MulTipeg 58

Ref 55066


Implant system External Hex


Diameter size

MulTipeg 1

Ref 55011


Implant system T3

Platform Purple

Diameter size

MulTipeg 28

Ref 55036


Implant system T3

Platform Blue, Yellow, Green

Diameter size

MulTipeg 58

Ref 55066


Implant system HIKELT


Diameter size 3.8-4.7

MulTipeg 26

Ref 55034


Implant system Top DM


Diameter size 3.5-5.0

MulTipeg 38

Ref 55046


Implant system Cortical


Diameter size 4.0

MulTipeg 26

Ref 55034


Implant system CortiLog (CCL)


Diameter size 3.3

MulTipeg 57

Ref 55065


Implant system CortiLog (CCL)


Diameter size 3.8

MulTipeg 14

Ref 55023


Implant system CortiLog (CCL)


Diameter size 5.0

MulTipeg 67

Ref 55075


Implant system Biomorse


Diameter size

MulTipeg 14

Ref 55023


Implant system Kontact, Kontact-S


Diameter size 3.6-5.4

MulTipeg 37

Ref 55045


Implant system Kontact


Diameter size 3.0

MulTipeg 96

Ref 55130


Implant system Kontact-S+


Diameter size 4.5-5.5

MulTipeg 37

Ref 55045


Implant system Reflect Aspire


Diameter size

MulTipeg 73

Ref 55081


Implant system Reflect Certus


Diameter size

MulTipeg 9

Ref 55019


Implant system Reflect Tapered


Diameter size

MulTipeg 26

Ref 55034


Implant system Reflect Recover


Diameter size

MulTipeg 10

Ref 55020


Implant system Reflect Rapid


Diameter size

MulTipeg 10

Ref 55020


Implant system AR

Platform Yellow M

Diameter size 3.7

MulTipeg 58

Ref 55066


Implant system AR

Platform Green R

Diameter size 4.2-4.6

MulTipeg 29

Ref 55037


Implant system AR

Platform Blue W

Diameter size 5.1

MulTipeg 29

Ref 55037


Implant system BR

Platform Yellow M

Diameter size 3.3

MulTipeg 2

Ref 55012


Implant system BR

Platform Green R

Diameter size 3.75-4.0

MulTipeg 4

Ref 55014


Implant system BR

Platform Blue W

Diameter size 5.0-6.0

MulTipeg 3

Ref 55013


Implant system IR

Platform Yellow M

Diameter size 3.5

MulTipeg 20

Ref 55028


Implant system IR

Platform Green R

Diameter size 4.1-4.8

MulTipeg 20

Ref 55028


Implant system IR

Platform Blue W

Diameter size 4.8-5.5

MulTipeg 20

Ref 55028


Implant system BIO Max

Platform NP

Diameter size All

MulTipeg 38

Ref 55046


Implant system BIO Max

Platform RP

Diameter size 4.3-5.0

MulTipeg 29

Ref 55037


Implant system BIO Int Hex

Platform 3.7-4.1

Diameter size 3.5

MulTipeg 41

Ref 55049


Implant system BIO Int Hex

Platform 4.7

Diameter size 3.5

MulTipeg 43

Ref 55051


Implant system BIO Int Hex

Platform 4.7-7.0

Diameter size 4.5

MulTipeg 43

Ref 55051


Implant system BIO One-stage

Platform Narrow, Regular, Wide

Diameter size

MulTipeg 4

Ref 55014


Implant system BIO One-stage

Platform Short, Regular, Wide

Diameter size

MulTipeg 4

Ref 55014


Implant system BIO Quattro

Platform Narrow

Diameter size 3.3

MulTipeg 53

Ref 55061


Implant system BIO Quattro

Platform Regular

Diameter size 4.1-5.6

MulTipeg 54

Ref 55062


Implant system BIO Conus

Platform 3.0

Diameter size 3.0

MulTipeg 56

Ref 55064


Implant system BIO Conus

Platform 3.5-4.0

Diameter size 3.5-4.0

MulTipeg 38

Ref 55046


Implant system BIO Conus


Diameter size 4.5 x 6 mm

MulTipeg 38

Ref 55046


Implant system BIO Conus

Platform 4.5-5.0

Diameter size 4.5-5.0

MulTipeg 7

Ref 55017


Implant system BIO Conus


Diameter size 5.0 x 6 mm

MulTipeg 38

Ref 55046


Implant system BIO Trilobe


Diameter size 3.5

MulTipeg 6

Ref 55016


Implant system BIO Trilobe


Diameter size 4.3-6.0

MulTipeg 7

Ref 55017


Implant system Mytis Arrow

Platform B-Type

Diameter size 3.7-4.6

MulTipeg 4

Ref 55014


Implant system Mytis Arrow

Platform BS-Type

Diameter size 3.7-4.6

MulTipeg 4

Ref 55014


Implant system Mytis Arrow

Platform BW

Diameter size 4.7

MulTipeg 4

Ref 55014


Implant system Mytis Arrow

Platform C-Type

Diameter size 3.3

MulTipeg 4

Ref 55014


Implant system Mytis Arrow

Platform C-Type

Diameter size 3.7-4.6

MulTipeg 10

Ref 55020


Implant system Mytis Arrow

Platform E-Type

Diameter size 3.7-4.6

MulTipeg 4

Ref 55014


Implant system Mytis Arrow

Platform EW

Diameter size 5.0-7.0

MulTipeg 4

Ref 55014


Implant system Mytis Arrow

Platform Me-Type

Diameter size 4.0-5.0

MulTipeg 10

Ref 55020


Implant system Mytis Arrow

Platform St-Type

Diameter size 4.0-5.0

MulTipeg 10

Ref 55020


Implant system SKY


Diameter size

MulTipeg 16

Ref 55025


Implant system copaSKY


Diameter size

MulTipeg 19

Ref 55027


Implant system mini2SKY


Diameter size

MulTipeg 25

Ref 55033


Implant system fast & fixed Abutment


Diameter size

MulTipeg 75

Ref 55083


Implant system Interna Universal


Diameter size

MulTipeg 43

Ref 55051


Implant system Interna Wide


Diameter size

MulTipeg 43

Ref 55051


Implant system External Hex

Platform EN

Diameter size

MulTipeg 30

Ref 55038


Implant system External Hex

Platform ER

Diameter size

MulTipeg 1

Ref 55011


Implant system External Hex

Platform EW

Diameter size

MulTipeg 1

Ref 55011


Implant system Internal Hex

Platform IR

Diameter size

MulTipeg 41

Ref 55049


Implant system Internal Hex

Platform IM

Diameter size

MulTipeg 43

Ref 55051


Implant system Internal Hex

Platform IW

Diameter size

MulTipeg 43

Ref 55051


Implant system Hexagonal Morse Taper

Platform KR

Diameter size

MulTipeg 73

Ref 55081


Implant system Hexagonal Morse Taper

Platform KW

Diameter size

MulTipeg 48

Ref 55056


Implant system Octagonal Morse Taper

Platform SR

Diameter size

MulTipeg 4

Ref 55014


Implant system EL


Diameter size

MulTipeg 6

Ref 55016


Implant system Screw-Line, Root-Line, Progressive


Diameter size 3.3

MulTipeg 28

Ref 55036


Implant system Screw-Line, Root-Line, Progressive


Diameter size 3.8, 4.3

MulTipeg 23

Ref 55031


Implant system Screw-Line, Root-Line, Progressive


Diameter size 5.0, 6.0

MulTipeg 24

Ref 55032


Implant system iSy


Diameter size

MulTipeg 57

Ref 55065


Implant system Cell


Diameter size 3,85

MulTipeg 58

Ref 55066


Implant system Hexalobe ceramic


Diameter size

MulTipeg 68

Ref 55076


Implant system i-Base


Diameter size

MulTipeg 8

Ref 55018


Implant system Conic


Diameter size 3.5-6.0

MulTipeg 73

Ref 55081


Implant system Screw-Line, Progressive


Diameter size 3.3

MulTipeg 58

Ref 55066


Implant system Screw-Line, Progressive


Diameter size 3.8, 4.3

MulTipeg 58

Ref 55066


Implant system Screw-Line, Progressive


Diameter size 5.0

MulTipeg 67

Ref 55075


Implant system Inno Int Octa


Diameter size

MulTipeg 4

Ref 55014


Implant system Inno Sub hex


Diameter size

MulTipeg 29

Ref 55037


Implant system Internal Hex


Diameter size

MulTipeg 48

Ref 55056


Implant system Tissue Level

Platform RP, WP

Diameter size

MulTipeg 4

Ref 55014


Implant system Bone Level

Platform NC

Diameter size

MulTipeg 53

Ref 55061


Implant system Bone Level

Platform RC

Diameter size

MulTipeg 54

Ref 55062


Implant system Implassic

Platform FT3

Diameter size 3.25

MulTipeg 31

Ref 55039


Implant system Implassic

Platform FT3

Diameter size 3.75

MulTipeg 41

Ref 55049


Implant system Implassic

Platform FTP

Diameter size

MulTipeg 9

Ref 55019


Implant system Implassic

Platform HX3

Diameter size

MulTipeg 1

Ref 55011


Implant system Implassic

Platform TR2

Diameter size

MulTipeg 4

Ref 55014


Implant system Implassic

Platform TRW2

Diameter size

MulTipeg 4

Ref 55014


Implant system Regular


Diameter size

MulTipeg 43

Ref 55051


Implant system


Diameter size 3.3

MulTipeg 26

Ref 55034


Implant system


Diameter size 3.75

MulTipeg 49

Ref 55057


Implant system


Diameter size 4.5

MulTipeg 41

Ref 55049


Implant system


Diameter size 3.8/4.1

MulTipeg 41

Ref 55049


Implant system


Diameter size 5.5

MulTipeg 10

Ref 55020


Implant system Cleanlant S-Clean


Diameter size 3.7-4.8

MulTipeg 10

Ref 55020


Implant system S-Clean OneQ

Platform Narrow

Diameter size 3.3

MulTipeg 56

Ref 55064


Implant system Superline


Diameter size

MulTipeg 29

Ref 55037


Implant system NR Line


Diameter size

MulTipeg 58

Ref 55066


Implant system Simple Line II GH 1, 6


Diameter size

MulTipeg 4

Ref 55014


Implant system PrimeTaper/OmniTaper


Diameter size 3.0

MulTipeg 50

Ref 55058


Implant system PrimeTaper/OmniTaper


Diameter size 3.6

MulTipeg 38

Ref 55046


Implant system PrimeTaper/OmniTaper


Diameter size 4.2

MulTipeg 49

Ref 55057


Implant system PrimeTaper/OmniTaper


Diameter size 4.8

MulTipeg 47

Ref 55055


Implant system PrimeTaper/OmniTaper


Diameter size 5.4

MulTipeg 47

Ref 55055


Implant system Bone Level


Diameter size 3.5

MulTipeg 56

Ref 55064


Implant system Bone Level


Diameter size 4.5

MulTipeg 43

Ref 55051


Implant system SM

Platform Submerged

Diameter size 3.8

MulTipeg 41

Ref 55049


Implant system SM

Platform Submerged

Diameter size 5.0

MulTipeg 10

Ref 55020


Implant system UF II

Platform Narrow

Diameter size

MulTipeg 56

Ref 55064


Implant system UF II

Platform Regular

Diameter size

MulTipeg 10

Ref 55020


Implant system MPI


Diameter size 3.3-6.0

MulTipeg 79

Ref 55087


Implant system Ulitmate


Diameter size 3.75-6.0

MulTipeg 79

Ref 55087


Implant system Internal Hex

Platform Regular

Diameter size

MulTipeg 41

Ref 55049


Implant system Internal Hex

Platform Narrow

Diameter size

MulTipeg 31

Ref 55039


Implant system Conical connection

Platform Regular

Diameter size

MulTipeg 29

Ref 55037


Implant system Conical connection

Platform Narrow

Diameter size

MulTipeg 38

Ref 55046


Implant system Hexagonal

Platform External Standard (HE)

Diameter size

MulTipeg 4

Ref 55014


Implant system Hexagonal

Platform Internal Standard (HiS)

Diameter size

MulTipeg 26

Ref 55034


Implant system Hexagonal

Platform Internal Morse (HIM)

Diameter size

MulTipeg 38

Ref 55046


Implant system Hexagonal

Platform Internal Large (HiL)

Diameter size

MulTipeg 29

Ref 55037


Implant system Indexed

Platform Morse Taper (CMI)

Diameter size

MulTipeg 16

Ref 55025


Implant system Helix DC


Diameter size

MulTipeg 55034

Ref 26


Implant system Helix ST


Diameter size

MulTipeg 55034

Ref 26


Implant system Helix TM


Diameter size

MulTipeg 55025

Ref 16


Implant system Ocean


Diameter size

MulTipeg 38

Ref 55046


Implant system Lilas


Diameter size

MulTipeg 29

Ref 55037


Implant system 3-lobe


Diameter size

MulTipeg 11

Ref 55021


Implant system 4-lobe


Diameter size

MulTipeg 16

Ref 55025


Implant system MUA


Diameter size

MulTipeg 25

Ref 55033


Implant system Naturactis


Diameter size 3.5-5.0

MulTipeg 73

Ref 55081


Implant system Naturactis/Naturall+


Diameter size 3.0

MulTipeg 56

Ref 55064


Implant system Uneva


Diameter size

MulTipeg 1

Ref 55011


Implant system PRE


Diameter size 4.0

MulTipeg 4

Ref 55014


Implant system PRI


Diameter size 4.0

MulTipeg 29

Ref 55037


Implant system ICI


Diameter size 3.2 & 3.8

MulTipeg 38

Ref 55046


Implant system iPx 4012


Diameter size

MulTipeg 38

Ref 55046


Implant system MUSA


Diameter size

MulTipeg 94

Ref 55128


Implant system Aadva

Platform Narrow

Diameter size

MulTipeg 73

Ref 55081


Implant system Aadva

Platform Regular

Diameter size

MulTipeg 58

Ref 55066


Implant system Aadva

Platform Wide

Diameter size

MulTipeg 58

Ref 55066


Implant system Aadva

Platform Short

Diameter size 4.2

MulTipeg 36

Ref 55044


Implant system Genesio

Platform Plus

Diameter size 3.4-5.0

MulTipeg 77

Ref 55085


Implant system SETiO

Platform Plus

Diameter size 3.8

MulTipeg 1

Ref 55011


Implant system Internal Hex

Platform Regular

Diameter size

MulTipeg 41

Ref 55049


Implant system Internal Hex

Platform Narrow

Diameter size

MulTipeg 31

Ref 55039


Implant system Conical connection

Platform Regular

Diameter size

MulTipeg 29

Ref 55037


Implant system Conical connection

Platform Narrow

Diameter size

MulTipeg 38

Ref 55046


Implant system Way Extra


Diameter size

MulTipeg 73

Ref 55081


Implant system In-Kone


Diameter size 4.0-5.0

MulTipeg 15

Ref 55024


Implant system TwinKon


Diameter size 3.5-4.5

MulTipeg 88

Ref 55122


Implant system avantgard

Platform RP

Diameter size 3.75-4.25

MulTipeg 58

Ref 55066


Implant system avantgard

Platform WP

Diameter size 4.75-5.75

MulTipeg 67

Ref 55075


Implant system frontier

Platform RP, WP

Diameter size

MulTipeg 43

Ref 55051


Implant system phoenix

Platform NP

Diameter size 3.3

MulTipeg 30

Ref 55038


Implant system phoenix

Platform Std-wide

Diameter size 3.3-5.0

MulTipeg 1

Ref 55011


Implant system monolith


Diameter size 3.0

MulTipeg 35

Ref 55043


Implant system SSI Spiral Shape Impant


Diameter size

MulTipeg 43

Ref 55051


Implant system HXE


Diameter size

MulTipeg 1

Ref 55011


Implant system HXE

Platform RP

Diameter size

MulTipeg 2

Ref 55012


Implant system HXE

Platform WP

Diameter size

MulTipeg 3

Ref 55013


Implant system HXI


Diameter size 4.1

MulTipeg 29

Ref 55037


Implant system OO2 HXI


Diameter size 4.7

MulTipeg 41

Ref 55049


Implant system OCT


Diameter size 4.3

MulTipeg 4

Ref 55014


Implant system

Platform Tapered

Diameter size 3.0

MulTipeg 50

Ref 55058


Implant system

Platform Tapered

Diameter size 3.5

MulTipeg 38

Ref 55046


Implant system

Platform Tapered

Diameter size 4.3

MulTipeg 38

Ref 55046


Implant system

Platform Tapered

Diameter size 5.0

MulTipeg 29

Ref 55037


Implant system

Platform Tapered

Diameter size 7.0

MulTipeg 40

Ref 55048


Implant system Tapered Self Thread

Platform NTI, SLT

Diameter size 3.3, 3.75

MulTipeg 26

Ref 55034


Implant system Tapered Self Thread

Platform GTI, WTI

Diameter size

MulTipeg 43

Ref 55051


Implant system Spark

Platform TPI

Diameter size

MulTipeg 26

Ref 55034


Implant system Logic

Platform Plus

Diameter size

MulTipeg 26

Ref 55034


Implant system Logic

Platform LGI

Diameter size 3.0-3.5

MulTipeg 38

Ref 55046


Implant system Logic

Platform LGI

Diameter size 4.3-5.0

MulTipeg 29

Ref 55037


Implant system HS system


Diameter size

MulTipeg 20

Ref 55028


Implant system ET system

Platform mini

Diameter size 3.2

MulTipeg 39

Ref 55047


Implant system ET system

Platform mini

Diameter size 3.5

MulTipeg 5

Ref 55015


Implant system ET system

Platform regular

Diameter size 4.0-7.0

MulTipeg 29

Ref 55037


Implant system EK system

Platform single

Diameter size 3.5

MulTipeg 38

Ref 55046


Implant system EK system

Platform single

Diameter size 4.0-7.0

MulTipeg 36

Ref 55044


Implant system Standard Implant


Diameter size

MulTipeg 18

Ref 55004


Implant system B1One

Platform High

Diameter size

MulTipeg 72

Ref 55080


Implant system B1One

Platform Low

Diameter size

MulTipeg 25

Ref 55033


Implant system BIO


Diameter size 3.5-5.0

MulTipeg 29

Ref 55037


Implant system ID Cam

Platform ST

Diameter size 4.2

MulTipeg 13

Ref 55010


Implant system ID

Platform All

Diameter size

MulTipeg 13

Ref 55010


Implant system ID3


Diameter size 3.1

MulTipeg 11

Ref 55021


Implant system Kontact, Kontact-S


Diameter size 3.6 – 4.8

MulTipeg 37

Ref 55045


Implant system Reflectt

Platform Aspire

Diameter size

MulTipeg 73

Ref 55081


Implant system Reflect

Platform Certus

Diameter size

MulTipeg 9

Ref 55019


Implant system Reflect

Platform Tapered

Diameter size

MulTipeg 26

Ref 55034


Implant system Reflect

Platform Recover

Diameter size

MulTipeg 10

Ref 55020


Implant system Reflect

Platform Rapid

Diameter size

MulTipeg 10

Ref 55020


Implant system Starfly


Diameter size 3.5-6.0

MulTipeg 26

Ref 55034


Implant system Universe


Diameter size 2.9

MulTipeg 31

Ref 55039


Implant system Universe


Diameter size 3.4-5.0

MulTipeg 15

Ref 55024


Implant system Tissue level


Diameter size

MulTipeg 4

Ref 55014


Implant system Bone level

Platform Regular

Diameter size

MulTipeg 29

Ref 55037


Implant system Bone level


Diameter size 3.3

MulTipeg 57

Ref 55065


Implant system Legacy


Diameter size 1/2/3/4, 3.0/3.2

MulTipeg 2

Ref 55012


Implant system Legacy


Diameter size 1/2/3/4, 3.5/3.7-5.7/7.0

MulTipeg 43

Ref 55051


Implant system RePlant


Diameter size 3.5

MulTipeg 12

Ref 55022


Implant system RePlant


Diameter size 4.3-5.0

MulTipeg 13

Ref 55010


Implant system RePlant


Diameter size 6.0

MulTipeg 24

Ref 55032


Implant system ReActive


Diameter size 3.5

MulTipeg 12

Ref 55022


Implant system ReActive


Diameter size 4.3-5.0

MulTipeg 13

Ref 55010


Implant system Interactive

Platform 3.0

Diameter size

MulTipeg 38

Ref 55046


Implant system Interactive

Platform 3.4

Diameter size

MulTipeg 29

Ref 55037


Implant system Simply Iconic

Platform 3.0

Diameter size

MulTipeg 38

Ref 55046


Implant system Simply Iconic

Platform 3.4

Diameter size

MulTipeg 29

Ref 55037


Implant system Screwindirect


Diameter size 5.0 PF 3.7-5.7

MulTipeg 62

Ref 55070


Implant system 100 Series

Platform Std Thread

Diameter size

MulTipeg 21

Ref 55029


Implant system 200 Series

Platform Std Thread

Diameter size

MulTipeg 21

Ref 55029


Implant system 300 Series

Platform Std Thread (blue)

Diameter size

MulTipeg 21

Ref 55029


Implant system 400 Series

Platform Std Thread (purple)

Diameter size

MulTipeg 27

Ref 55035


Implant system 500 Series

Platform Std Thread (green)

Diameter size

MulTipeg 27

Ref 55035


Implant system 300 Series

Platform Wide Thread (blue)

Diameter size

MulTipeg 21

Ref 55029


Implant system 400 Series

Platform Wide Thread (purple)

Diameter size

MulTipeg 27

Ref 55035


Implant system 500 Series non-EU markets only

Platform Wide Thread (green)

Diameter size

MulTipeg 95

Ref 55129


Implant system Tissue level


Diameter size

MulTipeg 4

Ref 55014


Implant system Bone Level

Platform Regular

Diameter size

MulTipeg 29

Ref 55037


Implant system Bone Level


Diameter size 3.3

MulTipeg 57

Ref 55065


Implant system Bone Level


Diameter size 2.9

MulTipeg 50

Ref 55058


Implant system Internal Hex


Diameter size 3.7-5.7

MulTipeg 26

Ref 55034


Implant system MagiCore

Platform Regular

Diameter size

MulTipeg 8

Ref 55018


Implant system INternal hex


Diameter size 3.7-5.7

MulTipeg 80

Ref 55088


Implant system Intrahex


Diameter size 3.4 – 4.5

MulTipeg 43

Ref 55051


Implant system Gold & Blue


Diameter size 3.4 – 6.0

MulTipeg 43

Ref 55051


Implant system InDex


Diameter size 3.4 – 3.75

MulTipeg 5

Ref 55015


Implant system InDex


Diameter size 4.0 – 4.3

MulTipeg 10

Ref 55020


Implant system FlatTop


Diameter size 3.75

MulTipeg 2

Ref 55012


Implant system External Hex

Platform Narrow

Diameter size 3.3

MulTipeg 2

Ref 55012


Implant system External Hex

Platform Regular

Diameter size 3.7-5.2

MulTipeg 1

Ref 55011


Implant system Internal Hex

Platform Narrow

Diameter size 3.3

MulTipeg 79

Ref 55087


Implant system Internal Hex

Platform Regular

Diameter size 3.7-5.2

MulTipeg 41

Ref 55049


Implant system INternal Octagon

Platform Regular

Diameter size 3.7-5.2

MulTipeg 4

Ref 55014


Implant system I-System X

Platform Narrow

Diameter size

MulTipeg 56

Ref 55064


Implant system I-System

Platform Narrow

Diameter size

MulTipeg 39

Ref 55047


Implant system I-System

Platform Mini/Regular/Wide

Diameter size

MulTipeg 10

Ref 55020


Implant system T-System

Platform Narrow

Diameter size

MulTipeg 39

Ref 55047


Implant system T-System

Platform Mini

Diameter size

MulTipeg 5

Ref 55015


Implant system T-System

Platform Regular/Wide

Diameter size

MulTipeg 29

Ref 55037


Implant system R-System

Platform Mini/Regular/Wide

Diameter size

MulTipeg 43

Ref 55051


Implant system JD Evolution


Diameter size 3.7-6.0

MulTipeg 59

Ref 55067


Implant system JD Evolution

Platform Plus+

Diameter size 3.7-6.0

MulTipeg 59

Ref 55067


Implant system JD Evolution

Platform S

Diameter size 3.25

MulTipeg 36

Ref 55044


Implant system JD ICON ultra

Platform S

Diameter size 2.75

MulTipeg 56

Ref 55064


Implant system Conical Abutment


Diameter size

MulTipeg 72

Ref 55080


Implant system i-fix


Diameter size 3,5-5,0

MulTipeg 29

Ref 55037


Implant system s-fix


Diameter size 3,6-6,0

MulTipeg 38

Ref 55046


Implant system I-HEXMRT


Diameter size 7.0-9.0

MulTipeg 43

Ref 55051


Implant system Prima/Connex

Platform Narrow

Diameter size

MulTipeg 41

Ref 55049


Implant system Prima/Connex

Platform Regular

Diameter size

MulTipeg 59

Ref 55067


Implant system Prima/Connex

Platform Wide

Diameter size

MulTipeg 33

Ref 55041


Implant system Prima/Geneis

Platform Narrow

Diameter size

MulTipeg 41

Ref 55049


Implant system Prima/Genesis

Platform Regular

Diameter size

MulTipeg 59

Ref 55067


Implant system Prima/Genesis

Platform Wide

Diameter size

MulTipeg 33

Ref 55041


Implant system Restore

Platform Narrow

Diameter size

MulTipeg 71

Ref 55079


Implant system Restore

Platform Regular

Diameter size

MulTipeg 1

Ref 55011


Implant system Retore

Platform Wide

Diameter size

MulTipeg 3

Ref 55013


Implant system TILOBEMAXX


Diameter size 7.0-9.0

MulTipeg 33

Ref 55041


Implant system VEGA

Platform Micro

Diameter size 3.0

MulTipeg 66

Ref 55074


Implant system VEGA

Platform Narrow

Diameter size 3.5

MulTipeg 57

Ref 55065


Implant system VEGA

Platform Regular

Diameter size 4.0, 4.5

MulTipeg 26

Ref 55034


Implant system KL

Platform Narrow

Diameter size 3.3

MulTipeg 2

Ref 55012


Implant system KL

Platform Regular

Diameter size 3.7, 4.2

MulTipeg 1

Ref 55011


Implant system KL

Platform Wide

Diameter size 4.7

MulTipeg 3

Ref 55013


Implant system SK2


Diameter size

MulTipeg 30

Ref 55038


Implant system Essential Cone


Diameter size

MulTipeg 59

Ref 55067


Implant system S3M


Diameter size 3.1

MulTipeg 71

Ref 55079


Implant system Classic


Diameter size 4.0, 4.8

MulTipeg 4

Ref 55014


Implant system Cylindrical


Diameter size 3.5-4.0

MulTipeg 57

Ref 55065


Implant system Cylindrical


Diameter size 4.5-5.5

MulTipeg 49

Ref 55057


Implant system Cylindrical

Platform Short

Diameter size 5.0-6.0

MulTipeg 70

Ref 55078


Implant system Conical


Diameter size 4.4/3.4

MulTipeg 57

Ref 55065


Implant system Conical


Diameter size 4.8/3.8, 5.5/4.5

MulTipeg 49

Ref 55057


Implant system FINESIA Bone Level

Platform NP

Diameter size 3.2-3.4

MulTipeg 50

Ref 55058


Implant system FINESIA Bone Level

Platform RP

Diameter size 3.7-4.2

MulTipeg 26

Ref 55034


Implant system FINESIA Bone Level

Platform WP

Diameter size 4.7-5.2

MulTipeg 4

Ref 55014


Implant system FINESIA Tissue Level

Platform RP

Diameter size 3.7-4.7

MulTipeg 4

Ref 55014


Implant system FINESIA Tissue Level

Platform WP

Diameter size 4.7-5.2

MulTipeg 4

Ref 55014


Implant system POI (HAC) EX

Platform TP/ST

Diameter size 3.7

MulTipeg 77

Ref 55085


Implant system POI (HAC) EX

Platform TP/ST

Diameter size 4.2

MulTipeg 16

Ref 55025


Implant system POI (HAC) 2P


Diameter size 3.7/4.2

MulTipeg 18

Ref 55004


Implant system BioniQ

Platform QR

Diameter size

MulTipeg 58

Ref 55066


Implant system BioniQ

Platform QN

Diameter size

MulTipeg 11

Ref 55021


Implant system Internal Hex


Diameter size 3.3-5.5

MulTipeg 26

Ref 55034


Implant system Cono-In


Diameter size

MulTipeg 59

Ref 55067


Implant system iRaise


Diameter size

MulTipeg 41

Ref 55049


Implant system Microcone

Platform NI

Diameter size

MulTipeg 11

Ref 55021


Implant system Microcone

Platform RI

Diameter size

MulTipeg 73

Ref 55081


Implant system Quattrocone

Platform RI

Diameter size

MulTipeg 73

Ref 55081


Implant system Quattrocone

Platform 30 AI

Diameter size

MulTipeg 73

Ref 55081


Implant system Procone


Diameter size 3.3

MulTipeg 85

Ref 55119


Implant system Procone


Diameter size 3.8

MulTipeg 23

Ref 55031


Implant system Procone


Diameter size 4.3

MulTipeg 23

Ref 55031


Implant system Procone


Diameter size 5.0

MulTipeg 24

Ref 55032


Implant system ICX Premium/Active Master

Platform BL

Diameter size 3.75-4.8

MulTipeg 54

Ref 55062


Implant system ICX Plus

Platform Tissue Level

Diameter size 3.45

MulTipeg 31

Ref 55039


Implant system ICX Premium/Active Master

Platform BL

Diameter size 3.3

MulTipeg 50

Ref 55058


Implant system Hex


Diameter size 3.0

MulTipeg 63

Ref 55071


Implant system Hex


Diameter size 3.4, 4.0, 5.0

MulTipeg 44

Ref 55052


Implant system Cone


Diameter size 3.0, 3.4, 4.0

MulTipeg 63

Ref 55071


Implant system Cone


Diameter size 5.0

MulTipeg 64

Ref 55072


Implant system Mars


Diameter size 3.5-6.0

MulTipeg 49

Ref 55057


Implant system FixTite


Diameter size 3.5-6.0

MulTipeg 49

Ref 55057


Implant system Fix-a-Dent


Diameter size 3.75-6.0

MulTipeg 49

Ref 55057


Implant system PT SLA Chaorum


Diameter size

MulTipeg 39

Ref 55047


Implant system AnyRidge


Diameter size

MulTipeg 43

Ref 55051


Implant system AnyOne Internal


Diameter size

MulTipeg 29

Ref 55037


Implant system Mini


Diameter size

MulTipeg 56

Ref 55064


Implant system MUA


Diameter size

MulTipeg 72

Ref 55080


Implant system Octa Abutment


Diameter size

MulTipeg 87

Ref 55121


Implant system OKTAGON Tissue level

Platform RP, WP

Diameter size

MulTipeg 4

Ref 55014


Implant system OKTAGON Bone Level

Platform NC

Diameter size

MulTipeg 53

Ref 55061


Implant system OKTAGON Bone Level

Platform RC

Diameter size

MulTipeg 54

Ref 55062


Implant system Universal


Diameter size

MulTipeg 1

Ref 55011


Implant system Microdent


Diameter size 2.8-3.25

MulTipeg 60

Ref 55068


Implant system Microdent


Diameter size 3.3-5.0

MulTipeg 1

Ref 55011


Implant system Microdent


Diameter size 5.5-8.0

MulTipeg 3

Ref 55013


Implant system Genius


Diameter size 3.0

MulTipeg 16

Ref 55025


Implant system Genius


Diameter size 3.5-5.0

MulTipeg 43

Ref 55051


Implant system Ektos


Diameter size 3.2

MulTipeg 14

Ref 55023


Implant system Ektos


Diameter size 3.7-8.0

MulTipeg 43

Ref 55051


Implant system Trylogic


Diameter size 3.5-4.2

MulTipeg 43

Ref 55051


Implant system Trylogic


Diameter size 5.0

MulTipeg 67

Ref 55075


Implant system Conical Connection

Platform Narrow (C1, V3)

Diameter size

MulTipeg 73

Ref 55081


Implant system Conical Connection

Platform Standard (C1, V3)

Diameter size

MulTipeg 79

Ref 55087


Implant system Conical Connection

Platform Wide (C1)

Diameter size

MulTipeg 33

Ref 55041


Implant system Seven and M4

Platform Narrow

Diameter size

MulTipeg 19

Ref 55027


Implant system Seven and M4

Platform Standard

Diameter size

MulTipeg 41

Ref 55049


Implant system Seven

Platform Wide

Diameter size 5.0

MulTipeg 43

Ref 55051


Implant system Connect Abutment

Platform NP, SP, WP

Diameter size

MulTipeg 81

Ref 55115


Implant system Multi Unit System


Diameter size

MulTipeg 25

Ref 55033


Implant system Rapid

Platform NP

Diameter size 3,3

MulTipeg 38

Ref 55046


Implant system Rapid

Platform NP

Diameter size 3,7

MulTipeg 38

Ref 55046


Implant system Rapid

Platform RP

Diameter size 4,1

MulTipeg 19

Ref 55027


Implant system Rapid

Platform RP

Diameter size 4,7

MulTipeg 19

Ref 55027


Implant system Rapid

Platform RP

Diameter size 5,2

MulTipeg 19

Ref 55027


Implant system Shorter

Platform NP

Diameter size 3,7

MulTipeg 38

Ref 55046


Implant system Shorter

Platform RP

Diameter size 4,1

MulTipeg 19

Ref 55027


Implant system Shorter

Platform RP

Diameter size 4,7

MulTipeg 19

Ref 55027


Implant system Shorter

Platform RP

Diameter size 5,2

MulTipeg 19

Ref 55027


Implant system Level

Platform NP

Diameter size 3,3

MulTipeg 19

Ref 55027


Implant system Level

Platform NP

Diameter size 3,7

MulTipeg 19

Ref 55027


Implant system Level

Platform RP

Diameter size 4,1

MulTipeg 19

Ref 55027


Implant system Level

Platform RP

Diameter size 4,7

MulTipeg 19

Ref 55027


Implant system Level

Platform RP

Diameter size 5,2

MulTipeg 19

Ref 55027


Implant system Short

Platform NP

Diameter size 3,7

MulTipeg 57

Ref 55065


Implant system Short

Platform RP

Diameter size 4,1

MulTipeg 73

Ref 55081


Implant system Short

Platform RP

Diameter size 4,7

MulTipeg 73

Ref 55081


Implant system Short

Platform RP

Diameter size 5,2

MulTipeg 73

Ref 55081


Implant system myplant two


Diameter size 3.5-4.5

MulTipeg 69

Ref 55077


Implant system myplant bio


Diameter size 4.0

MulTipeg 69

Ref 55077


Implant system IS II


Diameter size 4.0

MulTipeg 10

Ref 55020


Implant system IS III


Diameter size 4.0

MulTipeg 10

Ref 55020


Implant system Cone

Platform Morse Connection

Diameter size

MulTipeg 16

Ref 55025


Implant system Titamax

Platform WS Connection

Diameter size

MulTipeg 48

Ref 55056


Implant system Grand

Platform Morse Connection

Diameter size

MulTipeg 58

Ref 55066


Implant system GM Micro Abutment


Diameter size

MulTipeg 72

Ref 55080


Implant system Helix Short Purple


Diameter size

MulTipeg 48

Ref 55056


Implant system Grand Morse

Platform Narrow Connection

Diameter size

MulTipeg 11

Ref 55021


Implant system Zi Ceramic


Diameter size

MulTipeg 9

Ref 55019


Implant system

Platform SP

Diameter size 3.5 implants and wider

MulTipeg 18

Ref 55004


Implant system

Platform NP

Diameter size 3.25

MulTipeg 19

Ref 55027


Implant system Access Abutment


Diameter size

MulTipeg 52

Ref 55060


Implant system Brånemark System Ext Hex

Platform RP

Diameter size

MulTipeg 1

Ref 55011


Implant system Brånemark System Ext Hex

Platform NP

Diameter size

MulTipeg 2

Ref 55012


Implant system Brånemark System Ext Hex

Platform WP

Diameter size

MulTipeg 3

Ref 55013


Implant system Tri-Lobe Connection

Platform NP

Diameter size

MulTipeg 12

Ref 55022


Implant system Tri-Lobe Connection

Platform RP, WP

Diameter size

MulTipeg 13

Ref 55010


Implant system Tri-Lobe Connection


Diameter size 6.0

MulTipeg 24

Ref 55032


Implant system Conical Connection


Diameter size 3.0

MulTipeg 50

Ref 55058


Implant system Conical Connection

Platform Narrow

Diameter size

MulTipeg 38

Ref 55046


Implant system Conical Connection

Platform Regular

Diameter size

MulTipeg 29

Ref 55037


Implant system Conical Connection

Platform Wide

Diameter size 5.5

MulTipeg 40

Ref 55048


Implant system N1

Platform Regular

Diameter size

MulTipeg 92

Ref 55126


Implant system N1

Platform Narrow

Diameter size

MulTipeg 93

Ref 55127


Implant system MUA

Platform NP, RP

Diameter size

MulTipeg 72

Ref 55080


Implant system On1

Platform NP, RP, WP

Diameter size

MulTipeg 34

Ref 55042


Implant system Nobel Pearl


Diameter size

MulTipeg 78

Ref 55086


Implant system Tuff


Diameter size 3.3-6.0

MulTipeg 26

Ref 55034


Implant system


Diameter size 3.4

MulTipeg 31

Ref 55039


Implant system


Diameter size 3.8

MulTipeg 6

Ref 55016


Implant system


Diameter size 4.2, 5.0

MulTipeg 49

Ref 55057


Implant system Tpure Bone Level


Diameter size

MulTipeg 18

Ref 55004


Implant system T6 Bone Level


Diameter size

MulTipeg 66

Ref 55074


Implant system Regular Engage


Diameter size 3.25/3.0

MulTipeg 19

Ref 55027


Implant system Regular Engage


Diameter size 4.0/3.5

MulTipeg 43

Ref 55051


Implant system Regular Engage


Diameter size 5.0/4.5

MulTipeg 43

Ref 55051


Implant system Regular Engage


Diameter size 6.0/5.7

MulTipeg 43

Ref 55051


Implant system Engage Plus


Diameter size 4.0-6.0/3.25




Implant system ERI


Diameter size 3.25/3.7

MulTipeg 61

Ref 55069


Implant system ERI


Diameter size 4.0/4.7

MulTipeg 4

Ref 55014


Implant system ERI


Diameter size 5.0/5.7

MulTipeg 4

Ref 55014


Implant system TSI


Diameter size 3.25/3.7

MulTipeg 60

Ref 55068


Implant system TSI


Diameter size 4.0/4.7

MulTipeg 1

Ref 55011


Implant system TSI


Diameter size 5.0/5.7

MulTipeg 1

Ref 55011


Implant system Hexaplus/ HexaPlus-S Sinus


Diameter size 3.75-7.5

MulTipeg 73

Ref 55081


Implant system ConicalPlus/ ConicalPlus-S Sinus


Diameter size 3.75-5.25

MulTipeg 5

Ref 55015


Implant system US

Platform Regular

Diameter size

MulTipeg 1

Ref 55011


Implant system US

Platform Mini

Diameter size

MulTipeg 2

Ref 55012


Implant system US

Platform Wide

Diameter size

MulTipeg 3

Ref 55013


Implant system US

Platform Wide PS

Diameter size

MulTipeg 1

Ref 55011


Implant system SS

Platform Regular, Wide

Diameter size

MulTipeg 20

Ref 55028


Implant system TS

Platform Regular, Regular Short

Diameter size 6, 7

MulTipeg 29

Ref 55037


Implant system TS

Platform Mini

Diameter size 3.5

MulTipeg 5

Ref 55015


Implant system TS

Platform Mini

Diameter size 3.0

MulTipeg 39

Ref 55047


Implant system Iridium

Platform PF

Diameter size 3.8, 4.2

MulTipeg 71

Ref 55079


Implant system She


Diameter size 3.45, 3.75

MulTipeg 1

Ref 55011


Implant system Shi


Diameter size 3.75, 4.2

MulTipeg 41

Ref 55049


Implant system Shi


Diameter size 5.0

MulTipeg 43

Ref 55051


Implant system OT-F2


Diameter size 3.4, 3.8

MulTipeg 45

Ref 55053


Implant system OT-F2


Diameter size 4.1

MulTipeg 65

Ref 55073


Implant system Easyline Easydip


Diameter size

MulTipeg 10

Ref 55020


Implant system ETLINE


Diameter size

MulTipeg 26

Ref 55034


Implant system Internal


Diameter size

MulTipeg 10

Ref 55020


Implant system Kone Conical

Platform Narrow

Diameter size

MulTipeg 11

Ref 55021


Implant system Kone Conical

Platform Regular

Diameter size

MulTipeg 43

Ref 55051


Implant system PSK Line

Platform Regular

Diameter size

MulTipeg 43

Ref 55051


Implant system External

Platform Mini

Diameter size

MulTipeg 71

Ref 55079


Implant system External

Platform Regular

Diameter size

MulTipeg 1

Ref 55011


Implant system External

Platform Maxi

Diameter size

MulTipeg 1

Ref 55011


Implant system HEX


Diameter size 3.3

MulTipeg 81

Ref 55115


Implant system HEX


Diameter size 3.75-5.0

MulTipeg 83

Ref 55117


Implant system AMP


Diameter size 3.3

MulTipeg 31

Ref 55039


Implant system AMP


Diameter size 3.75-4.8

MulTipeg 84

Ref 55118


Implant system MT


Diameter size 3.3-4.8

MulTipeg 38

Ref 55046


Implant system Conical Abutment HEX, AMP MT


Diameter size

MulTipeg 72

Ref 55080


Implant system

Platform Standard

Diameter size 3.75-5.0

MulTipeg 26

Ref 55034


Implant system

Platform Narrow

Diameter size

MulTipeg 19

Ref 55027


Implant system PCA

Platform Conical

Diameter size

MulTipeg 58

Ref 55066


Implant system Starvent

Platform P series

Diameter size

MulTipeg 38

Ref 55046


Implant system Starvent

Platform XP series

Diameter size

MulTipeg 41

Ref 55049


Implant system Startanius

Platform Narrow ridge

Diameter size

MulTipeg 38

Ref 55046


Implant system Aurea EVO

Platform NP

Diameter size

MulTipeg 19

Ref 55027


Implant system Aurea EVO

Platform RP, WP

Diameter size

MulTipeg 43

Ref 55051


Implant system TSA S3


Diameter size

MulTipeg 66

Ref 55074


Implant system TSA S4, S5


Diameter size

MulTipeg 26

Ref 55034


Implant system TSH S3, S4, S5


Diameter size

MulTipeg 1

Ref 55011


Implant system Eight-Lobe Pro

Platform NC

Diameter size 3.5-4.1

MulTipeg 38

Ref 55046


Implant system Eight-Lobe Pro

Platform RC

Diameter size 4.5-5.0

MulTipeg 4

Ref 55014


Implant system Type IV PRO


Diameter size

MulTipeg 10

Ref 55020


Implant system Twinner & Prime, Conomet, Collar

Platform Orange

Diameter size

MulTipeg 19

Ref 55027


Implant system Twinner & Prime, Conomet, Collar

Platform Fuchsia

Diameter size

MulTipeg 43

Ref 55051


Implant system Twinner & Prime, Conomet, Collar

Platform Green

Diameter size

MulTipeg 59

Ref 55067


Implant system Twinner & Prime, Conomet, Collar

Platform Yellow

Diameter size

MulTipeg 10

Ref 55020


Implant system Prime, Conomet, Collar

Platform Blue

Diameter size

MulTipeg 10

Ref 55020


Implant system NeoActive


Diameter size

MulTipeg 38

Ref 55046


Implant system Hylock

Platform NP

Diameter size

MulTipeg 22

Ref 55030


Implant system Hylock

Platform RP

Diameter size

MulTipeg 58

Ref 55066


Implant system WIS


Diameter size 3.0-5.0

MulTipeg 41

Ref 55049


Implant system External hex

Platform TL

Diameter size 1.8

MulTipeg 52

Ref 55060


Implant system Internal Hex

Platform TL

Diameter size 2.9

MulTipeg 26

Ref 55034


Implant system Internal Hex

Platform BL

Diameter size 2,9

MulTipeg 26

Ref 55034


Implant system Multi Unit


Diameter size

MulTipeg 25

Ref 55033


Implant system Spiral SB/LA

Platform Narrow

Diameter size 2.9

MulTipeg 73

Ref 55081


Implant system Spiral SB/LA

Platform Standard

Diameter size 3.75

MulTipeg 41

Ref 55049


Implant system


Diameter size 3.5-6.0

MulTipeg 10

Ref 55020


Implant system Impla cylindrical


Diameter size

MulTipeg 44

Ref 55052


Implant system IMPLA micro Retention cone


Diameter size 4.2

MulTipeg 44

Ref 55052


Implant system

Platform P1, P7

Diameter size

MulTipeg 41

Ref 55049


Implant system

Platform P1D, P5D, P7D

Diameter size

MulTipeg 41
